How to reach Kamaltar at our center?
"Kamaltar” is village in “Palungtar municipality” of Gorkha district in Nepal. You can reach to by road transportation. There is no airport in Kamaltar. One can drive car or motorbike to our site or can choose public bus transportation. Frequency of buses are very less. The common location you have to cross is “Nayapul,Bandipur” to our center in Kamaltar is around 15km and takes around 40 minutes.
Kathmandu to Kamaltar
Bus whose destination is Pokhra crosses Nayapul, Chyangli road, Bandipur.
Kathamandu to Nayapul 132 Km 5 hours
Nayapul to Kamlatar 15 Km 40 minutes
Pokhra to Kamaltar
Pokhra to Nayapul 74 Km. 2 hours
Nayapul to Kamlatar 15 Km 40 minutes
Chitwan to Kamaltar
Narayanghat,Bharatpur,Chitwan to Nayapul. 57 Km. 1.5 hours
Nayapul to Kamlatar 15 Km 40 minutes